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The following is a list of courses that we offer our students at the Reformed International Theological Seminary in Kiev.


The list begins with courses that we are offering in the area of Systematics.  It is broken down more than any other area of teaching because we make sure we cover all material our students should be exposed to. As always, we offer flexibility to our professors to accommodate special areas of interest or knowledge.


To ensure our students cover as many areas as possible in Systematic Theology, we used Berkhof’s Systematic Theology as a basis for what should be covered in our systematics courses. Of course, a professor may use material other than from Berkhof for their notes.   


These courses will be introductory in nature and more detailed study will be offered later in the curriculum.  If we teach the following we will cover everything that is included in Berkhof’s Systematic Theology.


By insuring that our students will have covered all the topics in a major book on Systematic Theology they will be better prepared to preach and teach the full council of God.


Systematic Theology


Systematics I.          The Doctrine of God 

(God's Being)


The Existence of God

The Knowability of God

Relation of the Being and Attributes of God

The names of God

The attributes of God in general

The Incommunicable Attributes

The Communicable Attributes

 The Trinity


(God's Works)


The Divine Decrees in General


 Creation in General

Creation of the Spiritual World

Creation of the Material World



Systematics II.  The Doctrine of Man in Relation to God 

                             (Man in His Original State)


The Origin of Man

The constitutional nature of Man

 Man as the Image of God

Man in the Covenant of Works


(Man in the State of Sin)


The Origin of sin

The essential Character of sin

The transmission of sin

Sin in the life of the human race

The punishment of sin


(Man in the Covenant of Grace)


Name and concept of the Covenant

The covenant of redemption

Nature of the covenant of Grace

The dual aspect of the Covenant

The different Dispensations of the Covenant.


Systematics III.   The Doctrine of the Person and Work of Christ

(The Person of Christ)


The Doctrine of Christ in history

The names and natures of Christ

The Unipersonality of Christ (two natures, one person).


(The States of Christ)


The Sate of humiliation

The state of exaltation.


  (The Offices of Christ)


Introduction: The prophetic office

The priestly office

The cause and necessity of the atonement

The purpose and extent of the atonement

The intercessory work of Christ

The kingly office.

Berkhoff listed “Divergent theories of the Atonement.” (Only teach this if time to explain it fully).


Systematics IV.  The Doctrine of the Application of the Work of Redemption


Soteriology in general

The operation of the Holy Spirit in general

Common grace

The mystical union

Calling in general and external calling

Regeneration and effectual calling





Perseverance of the saints;


Systematics V. The Doctrine of the Church and the Means of Grace

(The Church)


Scriptural names of the church and the doctrine of the church in history

Nature of the church

The government of the church

The power of the church


(The Means of Grace)


The means of grace in general

The Word as a means of grace

The sacraments in general

Christian baptism

The Lord’s Supper.


Systematics VI.         The Doctrine of the Last Things

(Individual Eschatology)


Some of Berkhoff introductory material can be skipped

Teach: Physical death

           The immortality of the soul

            The Intermediate State;

(General Eschatology)


The Second coming of Christ

Millennial views

The resurrection of the dead

The final judgment; the final state (of the wicked & the righteous)


History of Christianity


We are flxible in the time periods taught in this area. It will depend on the professor who teaches history and what periods he would like to cover. A suggested time frame would be one class on the first 500 years, a class covering from 500 to 1500 a.d., and from 1500 to the present time.


 We also teach classes in the following areas:



Biblical Theology

Books of the Bible: First, introduction to the O.T and the N.T.

                                Second, courses on Pentateuch, Historical books, Gospels, etc

                                Third, courses on individual books

Calvin’s Institutes

Covenant Theology I and II

Doctrine of God and man



Hermeneutics I and II

Homiletics I, II, III, and IV

Human Life Issues: Issues such as Abortion, suicide, assisted suicide, War and serving in the military,secularism, pluralism as well as other ‘hot topics’ of the day.

Historical people: like, but not limited to: Calvin, Luther, C.S. Lewis, Schaeffer, etc

Johannine theology (literature)

Ministry, theology of (as practical as possible-how to be a pastor, etc)

Missions and/or History of missions

Pastoral Counseling (multiple courses in this area)

Pastoral theology

Patristic Church History

Pauline Theology

Person and work of the Holy Spirit

The major Confessions: The confessions as group or individual course on particular confessions

Theology of the Holy Spirit



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